7 Big reasons you should invest in a mattress

King Koil
8 min readSep 16, 2020


Sleep is one of the few things in your life that you can have control over. Your sleep, in turn, dictates your overall health, fitness among other things in your life. If you tend to sleep light or wake up too easily, it might not necessarily be an internal problem. Your body tends to wake you up when it is not feeling comfortable, you are not experiencing your needed REM sleep cycles, among other factors. If you tend to overlook and take your sleep for granted you start seeing its negative effects in your relationships, your general behavior, work and productivity, overall health, and so on. This is just because we are not able to rest ourselves when we go to bed. We are not saying it’s just because of the mattress, however, 70% fault is of your bed mattress.

Your mattress defines how well you sleep, how you behave when awake, and dictates your overall health levels as well. It seems to be a minor part of our lives, but the mattress is perhaps the single most important investment you can make. Despite the ups and lows of your life, changes in your lifestyle, and through several years, a mattress has your back (literally). A mattress is there to relax and help your body recover day after day in addition to other benefits. But the main benefit of any mattress is taking care of your overall health directly or indirectly. When you are young and in the early 20’s you are at your peak, however, when you cross 30 you will see a drastic change in your lifestyle. A bad quality or unsuitable bed mattress is a slow poison, it will not affect or you will not notice these issues immediately however using a wrong mattress you would start noticing these issues within 15–45 days.

By improving your sleep quality, giving you blissful relaxing time, your mattress is the best investment you can make for your health, and here’s why:

1. Improve your focus and problem-solving ability: This doesn’t seem like something merely lying on a mattress does, but indirectly a good quality mattress helps you relax and maintain a sense of purpose. Good sleep has everything to do with your health, work productivity, fitness, and everything we focus on during our waking time. But when we are going to sleep, we like to forget all this and tend not to care too much about what might be disturbing us mentally or physically. Experiencing physical discomfort during sleep in a bad quality mattress or mattress not suited to your body can lead to severe issues including affecting your focus and problem-solving ability.

In other words, you are easily distracted, cannot focus or make proper connections during your work because your sleep hasn’t been going too well lately. To relate to this, imagine yourself in a scenario where staying over at a hotel doesn’t let you go to sleep because of stiff mattresses among other issues. Or when you stay over at your friends or family for a night and sleep on the couch, and experience discomfort and inability to sleep or focus on your work. But with proper sleep and a high-quality mattress, you are bound to see these effects go away as you sleep better and wake up with a fresh mind and revitalized body. And you might not notice your work productivity go down immediately, but after a sustained pattern of bad sleep in such elements, you are more likely to notice these things and more.

2. Fix your posture problems: If you find yourself changing your sleeping posture or orientation day after day or even within the same night, it is a clear indication of subconscious stress either because of your current environment or mental stress. But you don’t notice such things right away, as, after all, we’re not that introspective. But if you notice, if you sleep bad one night and experience too much changing your sleeping posture, you are bound to wake up tired and grumpy. As a result, you can see how even during the day you might end up slogging or sitting weird or lazily in your office chair. This is natural as your body just sees it as the way “to-be”. Over time, sustaining this pattern becomes your lifestyle, and before you know it-chronic pains.

Looking at it scientifically, if you tend to sleep on a bad-quality mattress or even a good-quality mattress not meant for your body type, you experience discomfort. This discomfort is nothing more than unintentional or extra pressure on one region or another in your body. This immense pressure on your nerves restricts blood circulation and makes that area give you pains and the feeling of “sleeping wrong”. The best way to check this is to correct your sleeping posture by investing in a mattress designed for your body and work on fixing your waking posture with stretching and other exercise regimes.

3. Boost your immunity: When you go to sleep, it is not just your eyes and mind that go to rest and relax. Sleeping properly helps your entire body and each cell of every system maintain, and regenerate to keep you alive. Based on your lifestyle, you either improve your body when you go to sleep (as it regenerates old worn-out cells with new ones) or deteriorate (keeps going the same way without any improvement in your cells). This is in short, how your immunity and sleep work together. Sleeping helps you regenerate everything, from your mind to physical energy, as well as fitness.

But, if you take it for granted or tend to sleep on a bad-quality mattress, you are essentially making it a bad part of your lifestyle, leading to bad overall health. As mentioned, improper sleep because of a bad or unsuitable mattress renders you unable to get your immunity or health back up as you relax. This leads to low immunity, fitness, and leads to a cascade of slowly deteriorating systems in your body.

4. Take care of mental issues: If you have ever woken up grumpy, or just do not feel fresh and revitalized (in other words- not a morning person), your mattress and sleep might be the reason. Sure, you adjust to everything and develop certain behaviors as a result and tend not to pay too much importance on them, but your mental issues start bubbling up to the surface. In other words, because of bad sleep or bad-quality mattresses giving you body aches, bot helping you feel fresh might be a reason for this behavior in addition to other lifestyle factors.

Without changing things for the better, you are bound to go on experience the same patterns and become depressed, anti-social, or frustrated in the long term. This is because in your sleep, in addition to the sleep hormone (melatonin), your body regenerates and balances out everything to keep you going the next day. But if this doesn’t happen as a result of bad sleep, your hormonal imbalances, and over-worked body would mean that your body hasn’t been reset as it is supposed to in sleep. Your hormonal and energy levels drop not helping you stay happy naturally and as a result, lead to a variety of mental issues. A lot of these can be changed with lifestyle changes, but a high-quality mattress to ensure good sleep is at the core of your life too.

5. Skip enhanced aging: In sleep, your body regenerates and replaces old cells and damaged or aging cells. This applies to your entire body, be it your skin, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system, or other core parts of your body. But because of improper sleep and bad lifestyle patterns, sleeping environment, these things directly influence your aging. Your old cells are not replaced as easily, throughout your entire body and its systems.

For example, when you work out, you get sore muscles, and in the next couple of days not only does this pain go away, but you’re able to lift heavier things and perform better. The same applies to sleep, as your entire body’s systems are in a way ‘sore’ and need relaxation to be better or maintain themselves. Without proper sleep, they degrade and become old prematurely. And the best way to ensure high-quality sleep is with a good mattress, sound sleeping environment, and a relaxed mind.

6. Avoid bad reaction time: Have you ever noticed yourself lazy and sleepy at the office or in general throughout the day after a bad night’s sleep? This happens because your mind hasn’t gotten the necessary rest it needs to perform its best. You need your mind in top condition in all kinds of jobs and sometimes bad reaction times and grogginess can be a symptom of bad sleep.

If you know about amnesia, you might be familiar with people suffering from the same and probably in an extreme manner. Bad reaction times, overreacting, among other things are a result of bad sleeping patterns and most importantly. Fixing all of this doesn’t need reliance on pills and medical consultations unless you have extreme conditions. But, you can fix these things with lifestyle changes, and fixing your sleep environment.

7. Avoid weight gain: Sleep directly impacts so many systems in our bodies that it is impossible to take care of it all. But, when you start seeing symptoms of bad quality sleeps happening on your body’s surface, it is time to take action. Weight gain is one of the main symptoms of bad quality sleep as a result of bad sleeping environments including mattresses that are bad for you. Irregular sleep is a side-effect of not only bad sleeping environments but bad lifestyle choices and they become a circle, which is hard to escape. You enter this circle of one issue after another impacting and taking you to point zero when you do not take care of yourself.

One of the best ways to take care of yourself is to invest in a mattress that hugs and comforts your body the way it deserves. This is because improper sleep and a bad sleeping environment lead to hormonal balances that affect your eating habits and energy spending too. In other words, your metabolism takes a big hit, and hormones that keep the energy expenditure and food cravings in check are no longer produced. This leads to a high intake of calories because of too many junk food and sugar cravings, as a result of lack of proper hormones.


Although all these factors are a result of bad sleep, they directly backtrack to your mattress and sleeping environment. Your sleeping habits and environment dictate how your body is affected and can lead to the above consequences. Bad sleep and mattresses not suitable to your body have so many disadvantages that it leads to a domino card effect on your body’s systems. That is why investing in a high-quality mattress that is suitable for your body gives you these invaluable advantages and health boosts.

A high-quality mattress can caress your body in its weak points and uphold where it needs. It helps provide comfort after a long day and makes sure that you wake up better each day, and every day. Your mattress is the backbone of your health and wealth, as it dictates how long you’re able to go on with proper relaxation.

A well-rested body and mind can think of how to improve instead of fixing pending issues, which is exactly what happens if you see yourself lose sleep over work or health. Your mattress is there to support you (literally) through several years, and it only makes sense to invest in a good quality mattress that takes care of your body rather than compensate for the slightest of issues. Settling on anything will make you settle for issues with your health and taking care of your body and environment only continues to pay instead of becoming a liability.



King Koil

King Koil is one of the Oldest International Luxury Mattress Brand. With an experience of more than 120+ Years in Bedding Industry. *Recommended by FCER and ICA